Rethinking risk factors this Liver Cancer Awareness Month

Learn how to engage with our campaign and help protect your liver health

Every year, Liver Cancer Awareness Month (LCAM) is an opportunity to bring the sixth most prevalent cancer globally to the forefront of conversation, promoting awareness and the importance of early diagnosis.1 Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), the most common type of primary liver cancer1, is projected to become the third leading cause of cancer-related death by 2030, making it an area of urgent and growing need.

This is why, in 2021, we are continuing our partnership with the European Liver Patients Association (ELPA), with the goal of encouraging everyone to ask themselves, “Am I at risk of liver cancer?” Building on the momentum from last year’s campaign, we are excited to announce that Liv the Liver and her family of organs are returning with a new episode, accompanied by activities to highlight the importance of acting upon risk factors and seeking medical advice.

There are three main ways to join in with this year’s campaign:

  1. Engage with our social media content

This year, Liv and her family are faced with a looming fork in the road: will they continue with their high-risk behaviors or act in time to lower their risk of liver cancer? Watch our animation below to find out. You can also vote in our Facebook and Instagram quiz appearing within our story series, to help Liv make the right choices to protect her liver health.


  1. See if you may be at risk of developing liver cancer by using our checklist

The simple act of recognizing the risk factors for liver cancer and being proactive in seeking medical advice could help you access screenings, support earlier diagnosis, and ultimately reduce the likelihood of developing advanced disease.2

3. Watch our in-conversation video with ELPA

Prof. Dr. med. Steven Hildemann, Executive Vice President, Chief Medical Officer, Head of Global Medical Affairs & Global Patient Safety at Ipsen is joined by ELPA President, Marko Korenjak, and Coordinator of the ELPA Scientific Committee, Dr. Teresa Casanovas Taltavull to further elaborate on the importance of proactively recognizing and acting upon risk factors of liver cancer.


Having a risk factor, or multiple risk factors, does not mean you will definitely be at risk of developing liver cancer, but recognizing them and reporting them to your doctor will help you to take a proactive role in managing your liver health.

Download our Liver Cancer Risk Factors Checklist below to identify if you, or those close to you, may be at risk. Fill out and take this checklist to a healthcare professional to get more information and any support you may need.


We encourage everyone to Rethink Liver Cancer this month!



  1. Llovet, J.M. et al. Hepatocellular carcinoma. Nat Rev Dis Primers 7, 6 (2021).
  2. Wang W. and Wei C. Advances in the early diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma. Genes & Diseases. 2020.
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