We aim to publish the results of our clinical studies in peer-reviewed medical and scientific journals, whatever the outcome. Patients are increasingly engaged with understanding and managing their own healthcare and, as a company, we therefore believe it vital that our research is freely accessible on publication.
However, most journals require a subscription to access their content, meaning that only researchers with affiliations to large academic institutions can freely read the research findings.
From January 2019, our aim is to publish all Ipsen-affiliated research “open access”. Open access means that the article will be openly accessible online and free of cost or other barriers. Our new publication policy will give everyone – patients, clinicians and healthcare professionals worldwide – the ability to read our research findings free of charge.
In fact, a large proportion of our research is already available open access. This week, we present an analysis at the International Society for Medical Publications Professionals (ISMPP) European meeting, which shows that to date, two thirds of our research has been published open access.
Making our research findings freely accessible on publication is an important part of our commitment to data transparency and patient centricity, and we are proud to be one of only two pharmaceutical companies to have made this commitment so far.